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services & CLIENTS

Welcome! I specialize in illustration, content creation, marketing design, & risograph projects.  I've had the opportunity to work with several different organizations to make some great projects. Some noteworthy projects are...

Find everything a freelancer, nomad, designer, or digital creative could need with my curated LISTS (mini-blog) and in the site's STACKS!

Essential Items

what it's all 

I'm Lily and this is my baby.

Nolanfolk is my studio. An homage to the bridge between craft and design, where eclectic and function work together to make engaging content. I am incredibly passionate about fandom, art, and sustainability, striving to work with and create projects that reflect that. Check out samples of my work, shop, see comics, and get in on all the good with my specialized resource lists, and artist interviews. Be sure to sign up on the email list.

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O.W doesn't miss.


 If you find yourself in need, I specialize in short video, illustration, and post campaigns.

Case STudy - home page

Design is evolving and so is digital marketing, creating content with brands that value transparency, and sustainability has been a thrill. Over my career, I have edited photos, and videos, and created custom graphics, products, comics, packages, icons, emails, posters, and merchandise. Working with organizations like Purely Elizabeth, The Wild Animal Sanctuary, Marriott Intl., and Studio III Marketing, Chinese Laundry, and more.

Need expert help with your design, branding, or  illustration project? 

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